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  • Anonymous
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    Follow your instincts!! I had (I thought) a wonderful endo when my daughter was first diagoised, and I remember thinking the same things that your talking about. She had a lot of pamphlets about diabetes, and not much about thyroid, and hardly nothing on graves’. But, she was suppose to be very good, so we stayed with her. She also wasn’t one who was a “good listener” or very compationate. Anyway, after about 5 months of treatment, Hailey started to feel really bad, all of the time. I took her for more blood work, and she assured me that all was well with Hailey’s levels. After another month, I took her to my GP and insisted that he find me a better endo, immediately! He set up an emergency appointment with an endo who met me at a local hopital. After drawing more blood, he found Hailey was severely over medicated, and in really bad shape. I left the other endo at once, and have been with this other endo since then. We feel much better, and Hailey feels and looks, much better, since we changed doctors…so, sometimes, just a feeling you have about a doctor is good enough reason to change! Good luck!


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