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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I’ve had the same problem and NO urinary tract infections either. The problem let up when i was hypo but is back now that my TSH level is at.49, where my endo wants to try me at for awhile.
    So ,I know this doesn’t help but there is someone else out here with the same problem.
    I too had urine tests , cultures and even an ultrasound. Nothing they could see wrong. The only thing i can figure is that with my Graves disease i had very weak muscles. Maybe this is why. I don’t know, just guessing.
    Virgnia In Mn

    Post count: 93172

    Hi there, how could u stand the constant need to urinate? i’m heading to NYC on Friday to see my brother and this is all i need….lol…


    Post count: 93172

    Hi and thanks for everyone who responded to my posting….i went to a doctor today and they said it’s not a bladder infection that i have, everything there came out great….they are sending it out though just to make sure because i have an incredible urge to pee all the time!! It’s driving me crazy…..i have a doctor’s appt tomorrow morning with my endo and they suggest i get another urine test there…..frequent and constant urination seems to be my only symptom……but i gotta get some relief….they did mention a pill to numb the bladder so i may have to get that……..we will see what they say………thanks again guys…..

    God Bless…..


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