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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hey there-

    That was me, Melanie. Thermometer test is with a mercury thermometer first thing in the AM underneath your armpit. If your temp falls below 97.8 for 12 days please contact your doctor and request a TRH, yes TRH not TSH test. The test is named after a doctor and it indicates adrenal failure due to the thyroid replacement hormone not working. The med just floats around in your body and has no place to go. Since the thyroid does not work properly, the adrenal glands begin to fail. This is why you are very cold, very depressed, and have the infamous brain fog. In my case, the TRH test will be next week. My body did not read the generic brand of med I was on, causing the adrenal failure, now back on the name-brand and oh-so much better, almost a gazillion percent better (really!) — just diagnosed as a diabetic but those hellacious symptoms are gone and I have my strength back — nothing can replace that normal feeling. Best of luck to you and I swear it is a TRH test, most doctors DO NOT know about it, which is why documentation is so important. I will read through my files and post the e-mail address where I found the info on the test on the BB. Til then….

    Take care,

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