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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      p.s. ellis.. I gained 35 pounds in 7 mon. with GD. My endo told
      me the symtoms could cross over for hypo/hyper. I know that is true.


        Post count: 93172

        Ask as many questions as you can think of..make a list tonight!
        Take it to you doc, if he don’t listen…go see another Endo.
        This is your life, make them understand YOU and what you feel.
        The eye thing your talking about does not happen to every one. See
        a good eye doc that knows about GD. He will check about every 3 mon.
        You will learn more about GD on this BB than you will anywhere.
        People that has not had GD could never understand. Hang in there and
        DON’T GIVE UP!! It’s a long road…but you can make it.

        Good luck!!!


          Post count: 93172

          I have been taking levoxyl for over a month. In the past couple of days I switched taking it from evening to the morning. I know your not supposed to do this, but I did. Anyway would this make me feel tired. lately, if you don’t watch me I’ll fall asleep on the couch. I have never done this before, but need a nap every day almost – I just run out of gas. So, this makes me wonder if a person can become more tired around the time they should take their medicine. Does the sythentic thyroid depleat over a period of hours, so that when it’s time to take your next dose, is when you become even more tire? Do you know what I mean. Regardless, my husband said he thinks I’m sick, that something is wrong because I am never this exhausted. Some times during the day it’s better but then I crash. Any suggestions?

            Post count: 93172

            I have a few questions.
            1. Do most people out there who have had RAI experience feelings of tension?
            2.Do those who have had RAI noticed a change in blood pressure?
            3. I’m looking for more information on T3 T4 testing and monitoring medication dosages based on these tests.
            4. Do most people who have had RAI see an endo or a GP? I have a hard time explaining to the GP and the nurses about how I’m feeling. They can’t relate and sometimes look at me like I’m crazy or a WHINER. Can an endo make any recommendations to help, or should I just put up or shut up???

            Thanks for your input.


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