I’m sorry to hear that that’s how your mother died. You don’t have to convince me
that she had a severe and undiagnosed thyroid problem. Untreated and
improperly treated thyroid problems ARE fatal. We’re all lucky to have
sought and received treatments that are effective, if not perfect, enough
to keep us alive.
My grandfather died of a heart attack at age 51 because his heart was
so weakened from GD. 5 thyroidectomies at age 34. He also suffered
with Graves eye disease and had eyelid surgery probably 60 years ago.
He couldn’t work at his regular job for many years after contracting
My heart goes out to you to have lost a mother so unnecessarily.
The first person I ever spoke to on phone support was a young women in her
twenties with GD who was rushed to the hospital for treatment and almost
died becasue of a thyroid storm. Her twin sister had died of an unexpected
heart attack the year before.
I spent 3 years in bed and out of school and no one expected me to live
past twelve. Don’t anyone think that this disease is not serious or
life-thretening. They don’t give RAI out lightly.