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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Sue – See my post of 17 Aug, Eye Disease Saga. I wrote that hoping anyone with any signs of eye problems would see an Ophthalmologist. My eyes started by being extra sensitive to the light and it’s the dry eyes that cause the tearing. After a while my focusing was weird. When I was reading a book and going from the bottom of one page to the top of another I didn’t focus at first. I thought I just needed glasses. I think if you have Graves and experience any eye problems at all you should have your eyes checked out by an Ophthal who is familiar with the disease.

      Glynis – Go to He specialises in natural medicine and there is a place where you can ask questions. If you are anything like me tho I think all the added stress in your life right now can sure cause havoc.

      Good luck and much happiness to both of you. Keep smiling. SAS

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