No you are not rambling, I understand exactly how you feel. I had 2 boys post Graves’ and RAI and although I am grateful that I was able to have the honor of having these 2 children, I worry every day that they might get TD. Although TD is not genetic the way some other diseases are, nor is Graves as grave as other diseases like diabetes can be, families have a tendency to have this disease and not everyone gets to return to normal after Graves. I have never felt completetly normal after starting meds and I hate to think that I might have passed this misery on to my wonderful children.
If it weren’t for modern medicine I would have prob died from graves or if not, then I would not not have been able to concieve more children or died from hypo therefore not passing on this misery to my own children. Had I known how bad this could get, I would have adopted instead of passing on this misery. Of course, my kids may never get this disease or future meds might be able to restore a better quality of life than the current meds do. Still I worry…