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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi, Molly.
    As you see, it’s now 5 wks since RAI. I was given 15 mci in a normal size capsual which I swallowed with a mouthful of water. I felt no effects at all, except that my throat and thyroid were a tiny bit sore 2 days later.
    Blood tests done 10 days ago show that my thyroid is still “quite overactive”, but I’m managing the hyper symptons very well by taking half a 25mg tablet of atenolol – a beta-blocker – am and pm.
    Now, I’m just looking forward to going hypo, getting onto replacement hormone, and off of other meds; hopefully, it will be that simple for me – and for you too!
    Good luck, leo
    ps – hope this is what you were asking.

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