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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Just got back from rock climbing, whew am I whooped! What a great bunch of posts on here today!

      Lanny, your experience sounds about like mine, although I haven’t had thyroid problems. At about the 16 month point I was again going blind while trying to taper off the prednisone (down to about 10mg/day) and the doctor convinced me to try one more “blast” of the stuff. I cried! I did not want to do that again!!!

      I went back up to 60 mg and my eyes cleared up fantastically, and after tapering off this time they stayed that way and have been improving ever since. Now at the 4 yr mark my eyes are almost back in place and my vision is good, although I did have strabismus surgery to straighten out the suckers.

      All the best, Bruce

        Post count: 93172

        Just got your e-mail. Do you guys have an e-mail address?


        Luci C.

          Post count: 93172

          Thanks a lot for your reply. My eyes are tearing so badly I could hardly read it. That is the problem. This BB is so great but working on the computer does hurt my eyes. I am to go on 20 mg Prednisone a week before my radiation treatments and then for the next six weeks. I was not wanting to take it because before Christmas I had large doses by intravenous and though they didn’t help my eyes it sure made me feel sick to my stomach and gave a terrible tinny taste in my mouth for the whole week of treatments and about a week after. But, it seems to have helped you. One other thing I don’t like is I am told this drug makes you hungry and you want to eat all the time and therefore tend to gain a lot a weight. I was on something like that for my migraine headaches years ago and I sure did gain. However I was able to walk that off in about six months by fast walking. Now I can’t fastwalk because my heart beats too fast. Will there ever be an end to all this. I would just like to wake up one morning and be happy and healthy with NO pending doctors appointments. I have a lot to be grateful for but sometimes it is hard to remember when so many things are constantly going wrong. Again thanks for answering. Good luck to you and take care. SAS

          PS – I am lucky we have an excellent Specialist and Thyroid clinic here in Vancouver. I have been going for a year now. Actually eight years ago I had a bout in just one eye and he did the eyelid operation and I thought that was the end of it. Not so lucky so now I am going again – but – I do know that I am in good hands even though the wait for each appointment in the office is so long it is very frustrating which makes you in a bad mood when you finally get in to see the Doc. Let’s forget about all these woes and both have a good day!!! SAS

            Post count: 93172

            Thanks Bruce for input on the prednisone vs eye problems insight into
            your experience. I will keep your experience in mind as I progress
            through this “therapy”. I really don’t like Prednisone. I have gained
            12 lb. right in the middle of my formerly thin 6 foot 168 pound frame.
            I feel hungry and stuffy after eating, and some other sensations that I
            can’t put my finger on, but I don’t like.
            What do they say when you’re rock climbing? “Don’t look down.”? Always
            a good mantra.

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