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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    This is not really from a medical standpoint but my sister-in-law had whacky prolactin levels also (but lucky her, no Graves). She lives in North Louisiana and also came here for help after not being able to conceive for 6 years (she also had endometriosis). It seemeded that her hormone levels is what really prevented her from ovulating. She did take some type of medicine to successfully help with the prolactin and she is also now pregnant with baby #2 (her prolactin was abnormal both times prior to her conceiving). I’ll ask her what her specialist did (she used a different doctor than mine, but mine knows her doctor also). I’m due to check my thyroid levels soon and will be chatting with my doctor. I’ll ask him about people in the Boston/RI area. One suggestion is to check the phone books–my clinic is called the Texas Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology. Maybe there is a practice similar.

    I would wait on the in-vitro/inseminations until the levels are better. According to my doctor, that the first thing you need to get under control (unless you can afford the $10,000 a pop!). I hope that some of this helps. My heart feels for you. Keep me posted.


    Post count: 93172

    I’m south of Boston so Houston won’t help. Unless sometime when you see your Dr. you ask him if he knows anybody in the Boston or Worcester, Mass. area or Providence R>I> who is an endo and fertility specialist? My levels bounce around alot and I know that is one of my problems. I did get some additional hormone testing done last time and am waiting for most results. My Prolactin level was at like 120 where 23 is the high end of normal,so obviously that’s screwed up.I rarely ovulate even with Clomid but I haven’t been able to get my Dr.s to really help. I could do in-vitro but it’s so expensive and has such a low success rate that I hesitate. Also you have to take those really strong pergonal shots which cause multiple eggs which can be very hard on the kidney. I’ve had kidney problems before and don’t want to again. I’m very frustated and very sad. Thanx for your support—Kendra

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