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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Glynis, thanks for elaborating on my post! What you said is so true, and I know that, having read the posts since September, that keeping a positive attitude contributes tremendously to better health, whether mental or physical :) Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to all for the contiuing flow of information.

        Post count: 93172

        When you read this BB, alot of times it is the people who have it the worst who are posting because they feel the most miserable. There are so many people who have come and gone because they had treatment, felt better and didn’t return. Don’t let all the scary stuff get you down – that’s worst case scenario.

        I took the meds for 1 year and am off 4 months now – fine, no eye problems. Karen who just posted was diagnosed around the same time as me, she has been doing fine. Sharon & Ramone did the med route and are both in remission, and as far as I remember NO EYE PROBLEMS! Abigail posted recently and is also fine. Add that up, it is quite a few of us.

        Now, the first few months on meds were pretty rough – I was symptomatic for a while – and it really frightened me when people said, “Oh this time next year you’ll feel okay.” I thought, “ONE WHOLE YEAR! ARGH!” But, the year went fast – and I lived to tell about it! :-)

        I wouldn’t want to sugar-coat anything, but I can say that being an optimist is your best frame of mind. Lower the stress level of your life. Think about all the people who do feel better. Be aware of possible complications of this disease, but don’t dwell on them. Keep busy with things that don’t focus on this disease (it’s so overwhelming at first it tries to take over your every waking thought).

        You’ll be in our prayers! Have a Merry Christmas!

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