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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi Vickie. . .How long has it been since you started thyroid replacement? I know that for me, it was 14 weeks after beginning it that I started really feeling much better. (Actually, I felt worse for a long time.) So, I was able to improve, without having a raise in dose. That’s one thought.

      The other is that I think you certainly *could* feel tired and sluggish and swollen from having thyroid levels a little too high. (Those are some of the hyper symptoms I had before RAI.) Still, I question the endo’s nurse’s involvement in that decision, and I hope you discuss it with your doctor and get some answers that satisfy you.

      My endo said it takes the body six months to return to normal after the replacement dose is stabilized. This disease does lots of damage to all our body’s cells, and it takes a long time to recover from that.
      Dianne N

        Post count: 93172

        my tsh is now 1.28 and t-4 is 19.2 this means im not hypo anymore right.
        after being on replacement drugs for 2 weeks. now i just stay on these
        pills right ,is this the way it goes. Now i take this pill for life right.
        please give me an answer.

        thank you,

          Post count: 93172

          Well, Steve, you will have to take a thyroid replacement pill every day from now on, but not necessarily the same strength you are now taking. You will need to get blood work done periodically to check the levels. The docs may then adjust your dose, up or down, based on what they find. Once folks are balanced out(which doesn’t necessarily happen right away), I think the recommendation is to have the levels checked once a year.


            Post count: 93172

            Wish it was just once a year for me! usually every 3 months.
            Lately every month.
            But you know that don’t you Steve ;-)


              Post count: 93172

              thanks ,alot but these are normal readings right?


                Post count: 93172

                once a year, not for me, more than that , what are your talking about
                oh my tsh ok i understand know.

                thanks ,steve

                  Post count: 93172

                  Hi guys, I had E-mail from Dianne and her father has had heart attack.
                  They are transferring him to another hospital. She said she will be there
                  as she should. I just thought some of you could drop an E-mail line and say
                  you are thinking about her. This is a tough time for her. We all know
                  how important support for each other is. Wanted to share with those of you
                  who may know her or some of us who just care about others. This is all I know
                  if I hear something will post.

                    Post count: 93172

                    Yes I found out yesterday morning about Dianne’s dad, I am praying
                    for him and for her. Dianne is a great support for us all and I
                    know that It would help her alot if everyone gave back that support
                    that she needs right now.


                      Post count: 93172

                      Has anyone heard anything from or about how Dianne N. is doing? I’m concerned about her. Please repond if you’ve heard any updates.


                        Post count: 93172

                        Hi Luci, just tuned in after a few days. I had an e-mail from Dianne last Friday. Her Dad needed a triple bypass and the Doctors were consulting at that time but things did not look good. She said all her family were in town and she felt good about the support. I know everybody’s prayers are with Dianne and her family at this time. Thanks for the mail and I hope you appointment goes well. SAS

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