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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Gosh, I don’t know what to tell you except it may take more time for your body to feel better after what it’s been through. Even after I had normal labs and felt generally pretty good I’d have episodes of an arm, hip or my wrist being useless and in pain. We’re all different.

    I take the Synthroid at 6AM, go back to bed and get up at 7AM for breakfast and work. I planned this way so I could take it one hour before or two hours after food and a few hours away from other pills.

    I’m not qualified to offer an openion about your possibly taking an antidepressant — sorry. This is a tough long haul. I hope you do get some relief in knowing you’re not alone and there’s a host of people who do believe you.


    Post count: 93172

    Is it important to not take Synthroid with other pills? Currently I take it along with my reflux medications.

    Post count: 93172


    I’m not qualified to answer the question about Synthroid with the reflux medication. Your pharmacist is the best source for this. Perhaps a facilitator will answer. Linda775

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Linda,

    I just got my labs done and low and behold they are good.
    TSH 2.17
    Free Thyroxine 20.2
    Total triiodothryonine (TT3) is 1.8
    but I still feel horrible! Very, very tired. I’ve been convinced that my labs would be way out of whack. I missed work this morning I felt so horrible and didn’t sleep well last night. I just haven’t had any energy. Is this how you felt? I seriously feel only half alive and getting depressed feeling this way for so long after surgery. Do you find it makes any difference what time of day you take your Synthroid?
    My mornings are always worse as a rule lately. I hope this all blows over like you say. Would you recommend an anti-depressant or just be patient?

    I’m not used to feeling depressed either – it’s freaking me out.

    Please help!!

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