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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi SAS,
      Yes I had RAI in November and do feel much better except
      for not being able to sleep thru the night. I also have
      a problem tolerating heat. I sweat even when my SO is cold.
      It can cause a problem when in bed because he is freezing and I am dying
      of the heat. I was off work a year ago when I was first diagnosed,
      but havent had any more time off, I can’t afford to stay off.
      I got paid thru my insurance at work but it cost me $200.00 for
      a letter from my doctor to prove I could not work so it was
      a viscious circle to get paid, and then it was only 65% of my wages so had to go back.
      I sure don’t feel like working somedays and when my eyes
      are bad it is awful.
      I work on a computer all day at a Western Star Truck dealership so
      It can really play havoc with the eyes.
      Anyway take care and Happy New Year To You.
      Lynn from Toronto.
      P.S. where are you from???

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