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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi to my Canadian GD friends! I know our economy is not the best right
      now but if your unable to work,you should be able to get some kind
      of finacial assistance.I have been unable to work since I got this
      disease,my eyes cause major problems,can’t even enter a building with
      fluorecent lighting without people thinking i’ve been crying!
      I’m lucky to have a supportive man in my life, but if that were not the
      case I would have to go to our goverment. and Jackie if you read this
      and still have not gotten the assistance you require, go to your provincial
      social services and demand to get the help you need. GD can be very debilitating
      it’s not your fault if you cannot work. Best of luck, Shannon.

        Post count: 93172

        Hi Lynn, thanks for answering. I am from Vancouver. (That place where WE had the big snow storm last week!!) I had a call from my Dr. office on Sunday – his recpt was in as they have been closed for two weeks. She had my call saying I had to get in to see someone. I was quite impressed she called on Sunday. I go tomorrow at 9 AM. I just talked to my office and said I will let them know what is happening. I was told maybe I could do more work that doesn’s involve the computer and someone could do mine. There isn’t much that does not involve the computer except opening the mail three times a day. I guess I will get some answers tomorrow and go from there. I really hate this not knowing what is going on. Also I have so little energy. Everything is an effort. This has to get better at some time – I never seem to get an answer to when it might be over. Does anyone know??? Will tell you what the Dr. said tomorrow night. Thanks again. SAS

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