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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I’ve heard that elevating the headboard of your bed a few inches can help the swelling, although I’ve never noticed a difference, and finally put my bed back at ground level. I think artificial tears helped my eyes a bit. My doctor also recommended ibuprofen, but I never noticed any difference.

    I’ve been into some very smoky bars occasionally since the eye problems started. I stayed until it got uncomfortable, then I left. Bring eye drops. I figure since I’m not there all the time, and it doesn’t bother me a lot, it’s probably o.k. in moderation. I worry more about my lungs in a smoky bar than my eyes. (Fortunately for me, smoking is outlawed in bars where I live.)

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Janet

    I’m sorry you are not feeling well. Sometimes Ibuprofen helps with the eye pain and I have heard that smoking is bad, so you might want to keep away from smokey environments. Are you seeing an eye specialist? She/He will be able to answer your questions and perhaps the Prednisone (a steroid drug) will reduce the swelling. Why don’t you talk to your eye specialist about your concerns and let us know how you get on.
    Take care


    Post count: 93172

    Hi Janet,
    I know how you feel, I have the eye disease to, my eyes are bludging and puffy and I have so much pressure. this has made me look so awful and old. I take asprin for the headaches, that helps some, but im going to have the eye surgery to pull my eye balls back in then comsmetic surgery to get rid of the puffy. You might want to look in to this.
    Good luck

    Post count: 93172

    thanks Kathleen, gosh I have gotten so many compassionate responses from so many folks – is there a way to thank everyone all at once?? I dont have time to reply to each one, even though I would like to.
    It seems like all of the things to try, work sometimes, and sometimes they dont… thanks for your input – all I can do is give them a go!
    take good care,

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