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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Lauren,
    I know exactly what you are saying, but the other way around, with all the blood test and uptake my Endo said it is def. Graves then after the RAI my antibody test came back extreemly high and someone else said it was then Hashitoxic (something like that) then when I talked to my Endo again he said its Graves, so in my mind I wonder if they even know. Is it all one of the same or two different things? So I guess we have to believe that they know what they are saying. I was even afraid that I took the RAI for nothing. Oh yes then someone else said anyone who has hyperthyroid has Graves, alot of misconception going on. Do you have the Thyroid book by Sara Rosenthal? Think this book is pretty helpful.
    Blessings, Sally

    Post count: 93172

    I will clarify a little bit…the endo said, based on what he could feel, that my thyroid was twice normal size but it was uniform and could feel no nodules. As far as I can tell, my family has no history of autoimmune diseases. I probably should ask for a scan, but I have decided to find another doctor so must do that first. There is a lot to be said for having an assoc. professor at a big medical school as your doctor – good reputation, knowledgeable, etc… But there are also too many hassles – parking, competing with his “academic obligations” and other patients for appts, and his bedside manner is just a little too “uppity” for me.

    Post count: 93172

    My thyroid antibody level before I started Tapazole was
    1580 (with 150 being the top of the normal range).
    Is this just sky high or what??? My endo is very
    confused, as I have these high numbers but my thyroid
    is showing no enlargement what-so-ever. I wonder
    what this means…


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