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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Thanks for the response. Yes, the TSH continues to rise, AND I feel more and more sluggish hypo symptoms. I was feeling quite good when I was first hypo. So, probably, the thyroid is still dying out. My endo told me when she took the latest bloodwork that she probably would not change the dose of the meds, then when she got the results back upped them 25%.

    As to whether I don’t have a thyroid, I’ll have to check that one out with the endo. Perhaps, I misunderstood her comments before the procedure. We had talked about those folks that have to have RAI more than once (which I didn’t want — no, no more hyperthyroid for me, please), and she assured me that she calculates a large enough dose to get it mostly on the first try. I “assumed” that meant the whole thing would be gone. But perhaps not.

    AGain, thanks.


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