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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi ole pal…I looked for something from you tonight on the bb, which I only occaisionally get to these days…AND I FOUND IT! Been thinking about you since right after the conference when I heard you were in the hospital…Send me an e-mail update and please don’t lose touch…It began with you, this bb, and look how it’s grown. I’m glad to be one of the first to benefit from this incredible wealth of info and comradery found here. My TSH is .8 now…the eyes like it better at this level as opposed to with a higher TSH. Does everybody agree on this generally? I’m still hot all the time but that is probably FSH related…Manic menopause on top of GD…! Now that’s a combo…I still want my flute…someday, ok?

    Love Rachel

    Post count: 93172

    Jake, thanks for the tips on the wax removal. Today my left eye is swollen and I did call the opthalmologist but they still can’t see me. He said keep the patch on it.
    And my arm that the wax burned from my wrist to my elbow is blistered I can’t stand it. Hope you are doing ok today. I plan to go back to bed if I can get someone to babysit my two youngest for awhile.


    Post count: 93172

    Hi all hope everyone is well. My arm is trying to heal nicely but it’s still painful, my left eye is still very blurry, still no energy, still have a sore throat, and my scales last night now say I have lost another 15 pounds so now that makes 110 pounds since the first of February. I still have the jerks too. It’s so nice to see that some Warriars are doing better. I can’t wait till I feel better too! Hugs to all!!


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