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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Got a copy of my first test results (from a week ago)-

    Free T4 – Mine 4.91 – Normal 0.68-1.44
    Highly Sens TSH- 0.02 0.32-5.00

    My next test is Thyroid Antibodies. Will get those results on Mon/Tues.
    If anyone can explain these results – besides just being high or low – I’d appreciate it!!

    Post count: 93172

    besides having graves, i’m a medical technologist in a hospital lab and run these tests. when i was first diagnosed, docs mostly monitored the TSH results, trying to keep them at 0.4. since TSH reflects the feedback mechanism, and stabilization might be an issue, the current approach is to measure the Free T4, which is the thyroid hormone circulating through your blood. The high end of normal is where you want to be. Too high and you’re still hyperthyroid with the same symptoms. I spent years being borderline hypothyroid because my doc only watched my TSH. I think this is a problem for lots of patients.

    Post count: 93172

    Why aren’t they measuring the active hormone T3. These other tets are meaningless if you don’t convert T4 to T3 which is the only ahormone with ny bioogical activity.
    Also, what is being done to measure receptors. Is there any way to do this.
    Also, what is the significance of high reverse T3?
    Thank you.

    Post count: 93172

    Dr. just called – my bloodwwork came back and my no’s have bottomed out. Off the Tapazole. I have been feeling sick in the morning, neaseated – is this from being hypo – I can barely make it through the day. What a bummer. I have gone from hyper to hyper in 5 weeks. What a mess I feel. How long will it be before I will feel like myself. I am getting overwhelmed whith the physical and mental aspect of this.

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