Whew. I feel better now to know that if there are some complications that come out of having the surgery before the eyes are totally stable that there are other things that could be done later.
Hi just wanted you to know that I just had bilateral decompression surgery for swelling behind my eyes. I was diagonased about 6 yrs ago with graves disease. But within the last 2to 3 yrs things got worse for me. The swelling would not stop after I had radiation and all kinds of steriods. So my last option was bilateral decompression surgery. I just had it the 10th of August 2001. So I am still recovering. But I can tell you the swelling has already gone in my eyes. It is wonderful. I still have some double vision ,but my Dr says that is ok for time. I am so thankful for the BB (Graves). I have learned out so much ffor this disease and the people are great. Kepp up all your good work.