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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    You really did not read all 18 of them, did you? (grin)

    I like checking out this BB every day, so I have learned a few things just by clicking (mouse clicking) around. I also yell at the PC too! :)

    If I just go to the GDBB listing page first I can see all the current posts and I sure can see if any thing sounds interesting or looks weird. Sometimes after clicking on a post and reading it, I then just click on the next message or previous message, depending on which way I am going.

    Lots of times I just click on the GDBB page and then a post, read it and then click on the back button which takes me back to the GDBB listing page. This way if there is a duplicate post I can just skip it.

    Now I only have AOL (America Online) so if the above does not apply just go to the next post. I am still learning how to use this PC just like I am learning about Graves’ Disease, one CLICK at a time.

    LOL Michele

    Post count: 93172

    Glynis please dont stop posting… I really look forward to your insight it’s always so helpful..

    TimeCrunched……geez you dont have to go through all the post.. click on the back button..then you pick and choose what you want to read… it’s very easy.

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