You really did not read all 18 of them, did you? (grin)
I like checking out this BB every day, so I have learned a few things just by clicking (mouse clicking) around. I also yell at the PC too! 
If I just go to the GDBB listing page first I can see all the current posts and I sure can see if any thing sounds interesting or looks weird. Sometimes after clicking on a post and reading it, I then just click on the next message or previous message, depending on which way I am going.
Lots of times I just click on the GDBB page and then a post, read it and then click on the back button which takes me back to the GDBB listing page. This way if there is a duplicate post I can just skip it.
Now I only have AOL (America Online) so if the above does not apply just go to the next post. I am still learning how to use this PC just like I am learning about Graves’ Disease, one CLICK at a time.
LOL Michele