Dear Timecrunched:
I’m sorry if I wasted a few seconds of your precious day and that my apology was not enough for you. Other people have accidentally double, triple, quadrupled posted and it never occurred to me, esp. after an apology, to chide them for it. When someone else does it, I find that clicking “Next Message” a few times costs me precious little time. If it is of any excuse, my mouse just went funny right before I went on vacation. There are no stores in my rural area carrying Macintosh mice, so it will take at least a week to order one at a price I can afford (being that I have all kinds of medical bills and three small children to care for, and am being forced to move 1000 miles in the next few weeks). When it all comes down to it, I clicked the mouse quickly and I don’t know if it was my mouse or not! I notice other people have had problems with double posts of late…maybe it’s not ALL my fault.
Well, you caught me with PMS and lots of stress in my life. I am sorry for the error and if it suits you (who chose to remain anonymous), then I will not answer a post until I get a new mouse. There have been so many petty issues raised toward other people lately that it is just as well.