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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Dear Denise
    I hope I wasn’t disrespectfull to anyone was I do you think?Gosh I can get into trouble without even trying to,oh Denise I hope Iwasn’t,if you think Iwas anyone please post here as I’d like to know as I certainly didn;t mean to be if I was and i’m sorry if i was to anyone who thought i was barb

    Post count: 93172


    Good Lord!
    You are kidding? ! You are receiving grief because of your jocular post to my INVENTED, SATIRICAL land of nincompoop bureaucrats who serve royals who flee to Switzerland for unapproved, outlawed medical therapy.?!

    Please tell me that I am out of the loop on this one because I did not join the chat group tonight: perhaps you actually compared Great Britain with such a land? Big deal! Has anyone heard of “A Modest Proposal”, “Gulliver’s Travels”, “Candide”, and “Alice in Wonderland”, etc. etc.? Should we exhume these authors and burn their books, to boot. I’ve never been to Great Britain or Canada, but I have a high regard for the elegance and decorum exhibited by the Queen of England. As an American, though, I prefer the tip of a hat and a handshake to the bow/ courtsey.

    Denise, please amaze me. I want to be briefed on what you possibly could have said that warrants any regrets on your part. The whole point of our humorous posts was the POLITICS OF RESEARCH, not the politic of hypersensitiveness. With a good deal of apprehension and curiosity, I wonder if this Emerson quote applies,” Incapacity of melioration is the only mortal distemper. There are people who can never understand a trope or any second or expanded sense given to your words, or any humor; but remain literalists, after hearing the music and poetry and rhetoric and wit of seventy or eighty years. they are past the help of surgeon or clergy. But even these can understand pitchforks and the cry of Fire! and I have noticed in some of this class a marked dislike of earthquakes.” If some –or one–have taken offense to
    my second rate satire, then I apologize. I am disbelieving that what I have seen could be construed as an attack on anything British, and I am more inclined to favor said negative reaction as being SUBTERFUGE–an attempt to cleverly distract us from the true intent of our writings, namely underscoring and forwarding the need for RESEARCH. Sincerely, “Governor of Research”, Inventor

    Post count: 93172

    Didn’t offend me!! I thought they were great….added a little light side to the BB. Besides, I thought it was Tom!!! Keep the humor coming.

    Post count: 93172

    Good evening,
    I just wanted to apologixe to anyone who had read my earlier post of today. I was not writing to insult the British or
    any parliaments.. I had been writing in reponse back to another post and yes maybe i got carried away. See what a stressful day at work does to you! I was seriously questioning a TSH meter for use to check our TSH levels. I will admit i plead ignorance as far as the chain of governorship goes in another country than my own. Once again I am very sorry and did not mean disrespect as was brought to my attention this evening!


    Post count: 93172


    I posted earlier yesterday, and was wondering if anyone had a chance to read it….Biggest questions is I have only been on Tapozole since end of May, (4 months) felt great, then went hypo, now hyper.

    Endo, called and wants me to have an RAI!!! I thought the meds take time, why now and not waiting the normal eight or more months that I’ve read other people have been on the meds??? Any help with be appreciated…Anna

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