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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Unfortunately I started smoking at the age of 35. How dumb. It has been 20 years now. None of my many doctors have been pushy about quitting although we all know it would be better if I did.

      I was concerned before my decompression surgery because of the anesthetic. I was down to about 10 a day and asked my Endo if I could go on the patch. He said NO because I am on beta blockers. Since the surgery in December I have been able to keep my smoking to five to six a day (outside) and I am quite satisfied with that at the moment.

      I have several friends who thought the patch was great but I’m afraid it is going to have to be will power for me. I know three other people who have this eye disease where I live. One smokes, two do not.

        Post count: 93172

        I quit smoking about 6 months before I was diagnosed
        with Graves. I have to tell you that I couldn’t
        have done it without the patch. I had the prescription
        for a year before I was “ready” to quit, and when I
        made up my mind, there was no looking back. Talk
        to your doctor before trying anything though to make
        sure YOU can use the patch with Graves. Remember,
        everyone is different. Good Luck!

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