Hi all,
Sorry it is taking me time to answer the postings but Nancy is off
line and I seem to be the only one around to answer questions right now.
Our news letter asked all support group leaders and members of NGDF to jump
on-line if they have the ability to help answer the mail. Now about the rash!
What the problem is (more than likely) is pretibal mexademia. It is a skin
rash ususlly found on the legs but can be anywhere on the body. It looks like
a round rash that is very warm in the middle. It can be scalely and the normal
treatment is cortazone cream at bed. Cover the area with plastic wrap and put
a dressing over it. If it is on the leg or arm a sock or knee high stocking
will do. See Nancy Patterson’s message on rashes. Three people in my group
have this rash. Talk to you all soon. I will try and get on line latter and
answer the mail. Thank you Debbie, Rachel, Bruce, Joanne etc etc for helping
to keep the messages answered. If I forgot anyone it was not intentional. THANKS
FOR THE HELP. We get about 500 posting a month and we try to get them all
answered. If we miss your question send a follow-up.