Hi Linda
Thank you for you kind words. I enjoy helping everyone on the board. It is people like you who keep us going.
It was especially great meeting you and getting to know you at the conference.
Diane B On-Line Facilitator
Ski and Diane,
Your kindness, reassuring words, suggestions and understanding has made a huge difference in my attitude about the Graves experience. When we have a disease so misunderstood by most people, we’re almost in an Outpost & there’s no escaping a feeling of banishment. Some days I simply scanned the archives of the BB to read your posts — to feel validated. Thank-you ~ Linda
I like your choice of words, “transition time,” that is exactly what it is and not nearly as fast as we’d like. Your post describes very much like how it was for me after surgery. At first, I felt good but as weeks passed my symptoms waxed and waned drastically. Often, I was tempted to sneak of to some undisclosed lab for an early TSH test, being sure I was deeply into hypo land. Instead, I held off and waited eight weeks to the next. During the phases there were days when I felt myself to be “at normal range.” The problem was I’d PASS through and not STAY at a place where I felt well. Then one day…all of a sudden the cloud was lifted, I knew it!
Since then there have been some muscle aches and pains that come and go but not nearly as often as before. Most of the time I feel very good. My mind is no longer occupied with Graves’. Whhen I’m tired it’s because I’ve been running around doing all the things I missed for the past 15 months.
Do I feel good mentally? Yes. The only time I felt mentally upset was at the beginning of Graves’ when I had depression. For me, the antidepressant was like a life raft. Another contributing factor to my mental health is where I’m at in life. Over 50, midlife. I don’t have children to care for, my husband is broken in (ha ha) and I don’t take crap seriously.
Hang in there Carla, your numbers are going to arrive! Linda
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