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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Dear Belinda
    Hi there glad to hear from you Belinda,it’s like you said it is nice to see someone who really understands where abouts I’am at with this ” GRAVES” as I really am in a bad situation. No doctor {endricrinoligist} to be exact,it makes it very tough as I have not seen anyone here because my doctor refuses to see me just because I couldn’t look up without using my chin too he believes I was just being a bad patient rich I really cant look up (excuse the lingo but ****–him)some day maybe he will need help and won’t get it,kind of scares me though as really Belinda I am alone with this disease,they **** me off they really do as Im alone and don’t know much about what to do to help myself anymore.Had an appointment with Toronto doctors but they phoned me today and cancelled for another month,so for another month or so I have to take that drug that he has you on ,and that means sore joints all over and tired for 20 hrs out of 24 I sleep,crazy people .You can tell I’m not one of there mothers or I’d be all fixed up,thats for sure eh? It’s who you are!! Take care and thanks for listening to me Barb

    Post count: 93172

    Belinda, I know your posting was in 1998, so maybe you’re not out there reading this anymore…but I am trying to adjust to levothyroxine and having much trouble with my digestive system “freezing up” for about 10 hours leaving me feeling sick, foggy, and awful. It gets worse with each successive day. I also can take premarin and have had difficulty in the past with other things like vitamins and iron. Did you find a resolution to your trouble with levothyroxine? thanks

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