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  • Anonymous
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    I went to the smae place I went after my suicide attempt two years ago today to the crisis center as directed. Yesterday these compassionate people told me to call back in an hour without checking to see if I was safe. I called back and they said to come intoday at 4. I did and saw a very young Psychiatrist who listened and said to me “SOme of your symptoms can come from any one of your medical problems but some seem to be depression the lack of sleep and constant crying. It must be awful to feel so hopeless as if you do not matter.” Then he proceeded to tell me to wait until my intake appointment to get help. Bear in mind that the information from intake is taken to a once a week group meeting then assigned to a counselor and shrink and when they get around to it they call the client and shedule an appointment. we are talking a month before I get any help there.

    Any other ideas on how to get on the anti depressants I can’t hold out that long.


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