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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I have been hyperthyroid/Graves for over 4 years. I have been exhausted, had one sinus infection after another, been put on beta blokers because of heart palpations, gained over 25 pounds and have basically stopped doing anything besided working and sleeping. I am only 38 and I have two young children. I have been on methimazole for 2 years but stopped it in 11/05 because my levals were normal. I felt good for about 5 months and then the heart palpatations started again. None of my other symptoms are back but my TSH is over 21. My endocrinologist has put be back on methimazole, 5mg twice a day. HE is very patient an understands thati really don’t want to destroy my thyroid because I want to beleive it will get better. I was wondering if there is anyone who is glad they radiated their hyperthyroid?

    Post count: 93172

    Very interesting that so many are talking about sinus infections. I’ve had one for 3 yrs and everytime I have a MRI or CT of my head they tell me about my infection. I’m now on meds for 3 weeks to clear it up but it never does. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Why is it that so many of us with GD get so many of the same other health issues?

    Post count: 93172

    What is your goal? And, Why do you want to “save” your thyroid? And, If you save your thyroid, does it fulfill your goal? Perhaps, equally important: what does your doctor recommend? Those are the questions you have to answer.

    You asked for people to tell you how they felt about getting rid of their thyroids. I am delighted to have mine gone. Truly. I nicknamed my thyroid “T (for Thyroid) Rex” during my sick days. That T Rex is gone and unable to make me sick any more is wonderful. I chose RAI instead of surgery for removing my thyroid. It did the job, and for the past eight years I have been able to focus on keeping my body healthy, rather than fighting a defensive battle to keep my thyroid from making me sick. My thyroid was winning, you see. Now, I am “winning.” At least that is my point of view.

    Good luck with your decisions. No one can make the decision for you. You do need to talk seriously with your doctor about any of these issues. Whether or not someone can “do” RAI, or surgery or the drugs is based on their own individual medical situations.

    Bobbi — NGDF Online Facilitator

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