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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    Well as I live and breath I thought the Earth swallowed you up. Glad to see you are still around.

    On-line Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    Yes!! My thyroid was very large when I first had GD. It got better as I got more stable with the PTU. I was in remission for about 18 months before it came back, and even then the second time around the thyroid itself did not get as large as it had the first time.Sometimes I think the dr’s just want to do RAI so they don’t have to be bothered with monitoring you every other month (or more).


    Post count: 93172

    I thought if the Thyroid was very large that most opted for surgery? Is this true?

    Post count: 93172


    Because of where your thyroid gland is located, an extremely enlarged thyroid may cause one to have problems swallowing or breathing for that matter. If this is the case, your Dr. may need to take invasive measures (surgery) to possibly diffuse a life threatening situation. I do believe that invasive surgery is only performed when it is absolutely required, but I think this type of situation is very rare. Most of us who have had enlarged thyroids that are 3 or 4 times there normal size may complain about feeling a lump in our throat, but nothing more. So in most cases size doesn’t necessarily mean surgery.

    Take care,


    Post count: 93172

    Thanks everyone for the info. I do have problems swallowing and breathing. I didn’t think that I could go into remission because of this. I’m not sure I want to even try. I’m also worried that if I have RAI, it will take a while till I’m “normal”. I would like to be able to eat again soon!!! I love all the holiday food and want to be able to enjoy it all :)


    Post count: 93172

    Good afternoon all;

    I am just posting regaurding the size of my thyriod. It seem to be growing fast and is always pulsating. Is this normal? I feel great but am told this is because of the beta blockers.



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