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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi, Casie:

    The one thing I’ve learned about what I’ve learned is that there’s still a lot I don’t know. And this is one of those areas. I’m not a doctor, just a research-oriented patient. I need to know what is going on in my body, so I’ve done lots of reading, sometimes arduously through medicalese that I may or may not completely understand. And I try to pass that type of information on. But here…..

    I think it’s really important that you be able to talk your concerns over with your doctor. They are not trivial concerns. Obviously, heart rate is influenced by excess thyroid hormone, and you would want to know and understand how the treatment you are taking for Graves might interact with your previous problems. Or not. I know that HMO limitations can cause some doctors to rush you through. Often, this can be a personality quirk of a specific doctor, though, more than the system itself. But, our questions need to be asked and answered, regardless of the type of health plan. You probably still have a right to get a second opinion, within your HMO, so you could try that route. Perhaps a second doctor would be less impatient with questions. Or, if you are still seeing the cardiologist occasionally for the heart condition, that doctor might be able to give you valuable insight. Personallly, if none of that worked I’d rearrange my budget and pay for a consultation with an out-of-system doctor if necessary. But my doctors (I’m in an HMO, too) have more or less learned that I’m the “squeaking wheel” that will continue to squeak until my questions get answered: I’m real persistant. ; )

    I wish I could help more, but this is one area I don’t know much about.

    Wishing you good luck and good health.


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