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  • Anonymous
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    I had RAI last November 1998. It seems to me that either surgery or RAI ends up with the same result…little or no thyroid function. My RAI was very thorough since I started on replacement Synthroid in 7 weeks afterward. Here we are in April, 5 months later and my Endo is gradually trying to adjust my Sunthroid dose. I’m getting closer to the “5” level he’s shooting for on the TSH. I’ve gained back all of my 15 pounds and then 5 more, I’m still cold often so now I think we are getting close to the proper sustained dose. I will have to watch the weight. My sister had thyroid surgery two years ago for other reasons. The end results for both of us have been the same.

    As I understand, any surgery has many risks, some people say the Endo’s are just lazy and the RAI is easier and has less risks. Seems to me surgery is very risky. Maybe I’m just lucky but I think my RAI went well.

    Hope things work out well for you and you have a good Endo to advise you. Best regards, Curt

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