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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Graves disease can cause infertility problems. My endo stated that I
    may even become more fertile after the Graves was treated. I already
    had two children. I had RAI 10 mils Sept 1993. Got pregnant 9 months
    later in July. Erin was born healthy the following March. Just had my
    fourth daughter Nov. 1996. Delaney is also a healthy baby with no
    apparent problems. Just have to keep taking that Synthroid after
    going hypo, that and pregnancy really wears you out.

    Post count: 93172

    I am 30 and had RAI treatment on July 1. After that, I experienced “thyroiditis” which was no picnic. I’m feeling much better now, and it is doubtful at this point if I will need a second treatment. My concern is I hope to have children in the (near) future, and wonder if anyone out there can share any real experience with this. Ironically, the whole Graves’ thing was recognized after approximately a year of infertility. After going through RAI treatment, I understand that I need to wait for at least six months or longer, but would like to hear a story with a happy ending of other Graves’ patients going on to have healthy children. Any takers? I would appreciate any input! Thank you!

    Post count: 93172

    Perhaps I’ve misunderstood, but I was under the impression that even
    though it is possible for patients who have had Graves’ to get pregnant
    that it is really not a good idea, whether treated with RAI or some
    other treatment. The thing I remember reading was that babies born
    to mothers who have had Graves’ have a higher risk of developing
    diabetes and other possible negative effects.

    Personally, I don’t think I could say to a child of mine who had
    diabetes that I was sorry, I knew they had an increased risk, but
    I just had to have a baby. Others may feel differently.

    Of course, if someone didn’t find out they had Graves’ until they
    were already pregnant, there wouldn’t be much they could do, unless
    it would be permissible to have an abortion to avoid the possible
    negative consequences, and I’m not sure that would be possible.

    Anyway, this is just the impression that I have gotten in my
    reading, but others on this board may be more knowledgeable.

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