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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi Renee, I did have the radiation therapy. I was at the opthomoligists office and my eyes were so bad that he put me on prednisone and sent me to the hospital . We had planned radiation therapy but it had to start that day. My optic nerve was being compressed and there could have been permanent damage. So off I went I do not regreat it though it is unplsant due to the fact that it is in the cancer clinic and there is kids around . My eyes stopped right after I got off the pred and finished the therapy. I just had my checkup with the optho last week and now Im in the cold phase as he called. He says the radiation has helped however there is previous postings from Jake that says ther is some discussion about the radiation not helping .
      I guess it will be you on conclusion. My eyes are not any worse now if anything they are better however he is talking surgery now.

        Post count: 93172

        Hi there, I have my first apt with my radiologist tomorrow. I will let you know what he says. I am on steroids right now that have helped a lot. If your optic nerves are okay, why are you doing radiation in the first place? I have to have it because the MRI showed that my back eye muscles are butting up against and threatening my optic nerves. Just curious. Jen

          Post count: 93172

          reply to Jen:

          Hi! I questioned him about radiation as a way to halt the progressive swelling. He is very conservative and wants to try antiinflammatories first, but radiation is the next step possibly. I mean, it my eyes keep swelling and swelling, won’t I ultimately end up having an orbital decompression to make them look normal? If radiation could possibly reduce some of the swelling, maybe surgery won’t be necessary, again, especially since my optic nerve is fine. But the other problems is severe upper lid retraction and restricted peripheral vision, along with constant pressure around my eyes.

          Talk soon,

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