Em:, and I am only speaking for myself, I don’t propose to speak for anyone else, but why should we be tired? You are just saying, and rather eloquently sometimes (I loved the bs, bs, bs…..) what all of have been thinking at one time or another.
I guess my feelings about those “I don’t have time, it’s in your head” doctors is: “you told me I have this disease, now, damn it, help me live with it!”
Maybe God sent me here because I am in an up mood a lot, even when I feel like crap. It’s how I lived through a verbally abusive childhood and screwing up my marriage! Think GD had anything at all to do with my mood swings back then? Anyway, perhaps it was meant for us to be opposites, the ying and yang, the good cop, bad cop of this BB!
I don’t know, I just know that I care about the people here and read with great interest the postings because I have gained such knowledge from it. I wish you could all have a concerned, caring doctor like mine. If he doesn’t know it, he looks it up or asks someone else. He doesn’t leave me hanging. A few weeks ago, my foster father died. He had the same doctor, but he was out of town that weekend. When the doctor covering for him told him, he not only called John’s wife, but he called to check on me and see how I was handling it. You can’t ask for a more concerned, compassionate man. Wish I could clone him for all of you!
Em, hang in there. You can lean on me if you want; bitch, moan, groan, ventilate, whatever. I’ll be there for ya!
Mitake Oyasin
ValWell after all this time…..the only question that i would ask and have called and asked perspective drs is………..
Do you believe that a patient can still have symptoms of hyper and hypo thyroidism while clinically in the normal range??
If a dr says immediately no—RUN
If he tells you that he finds that many thyroid pts, who still dont feel well after treatment tend to blame all their symptoms on their thyroid
RUN FASTER unless you are no comment of course—-If he believes and has had patients that have been depressed at a tsh of five and have other syptoms and has treated them by increasing their synthyroid or looking for another problem and not by giving them antidepressants and at the opposite end ,,hyper feelings at a tsh of 1 for some….
i say he is a keeper…..he is a listener….he is understanding………
if he is an endo good…if he is an internist good…or even a good ole family dr….cripe he could even be a vet and i would see that guy…..There are some pretty famous drs out there in thyroid land–with organizations—-big uns–some have written books and some are in research,etc…—that i would not reccommend to anyone because of the way they answer that question……….my mouth drops open every time—-but they are like Archie Bunkers on this issue……you treat –you replace–your fine
bs bs bs bs bs—-it is that simple—-
it is something else–not your thyroid–your depressed all of a sudden–you have anxiety all of a sudden
you are all of a sudden transformed from a hard working easy going happy go lucky person…..into a psychotic hyocondriac who is searching for an answer
that isnt there in their minds……so the best thing to do is call them and ask to have them call u back and ask that one simple question—-and you can smell out the bad fish,,
the treatment options are limited and most of us could call the shots on those….but when it comes to getting you regulated on replacement hormones it takes patients and listening not looking at lab values…..that is really where the exertise of a caring concerned dr comes in…what you have to live with for the rest of your life…….
i swear this disease wouldnt be so unbelievable if we could get rid of the drs that make us question our sanity at a time when we really need their help—-instead of trying to make us feel better they add to our burden……
as for the aace guidlines that is thyroid treatment for med students….
gee i think we will all be board certified in a few years……funny though the quick ref to the absorbtion problems…not very well defined there…and yet tonight i talked to the pharm about the report and he told me he was shocked at the thoughts of that and the fact that not only this drug but a drug like cumadin a blood thinner or some other drug tht you have to count on could be so off in equivalency…….i mentioned absorbtion and he said yes.. not new to him he has had pts with that problem……..well why is it that after so many years of up and down and blood levels up and down…and the proverbial…well you are euthyroid…has not one dr ever suggested that to me or many other patients i know that have had the same problems???
Anyone who is not involved with learning about this disease and helping their drs to treat them is a fool—sad to say….but true……that is it and i am sorry i go on and on but i quess it doesnt take much to get me started…because i feel sorry for so many struggeling with this and to read a post like the one about the girl being in a mental ward on so many antidepressants………sends me off……if you are all tired of my lengthy posts –just tell me and i apologize…..
night all……
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