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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Good Job! You go girl! OOPS! Been around the kids again!

    Seriously, you have worked hard and have really done a good job. Mind if I use this with my GP and possibly my new endo?

    Mitakuye Oyasin

    Post count: 93172


    You may want to add a clause on the document to make sure the doctor fills
    this out and answers it truthfully instead of his nurse or medical
    secretary filing this out for completion. It may be interesting to see
    in a nutshell who answers these questions for you too!
    Have a nice day!

    Post count: 93172

    I am just about done with my questionnaire. I did have one more question that I feel would be relevant and I hope you all can help me out on this one. I want to know what medical journals they have read or kept to date on for Graves? I thought I’d just make a check off type of question with four publications that if a doctor had patients with GD should of read by now. What do you think? There was someone here on the BB that read just about everything pertaining to GD and kept testing her doctor. Come out come out wherever you are and e-mail me.

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