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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Thanks for the response Jake, I guess I’ve gotten into this nasty habit that everytime I notice something I blame it on Graves’…oh well, at least this disease is good for something!

    Post count: 93172

    I have also noticed at certain time that my fingernails developed these
    ridges and then my nails would break along the ridge line. My ridges were on the thumb and middle fingers of my right hand.


    Post count: 93172


    Funny you shoudl say that. I noticed when I was hyper my right index finger nail got all pitted and would break. After the diagnosis of Graves’ I found that there is an associated disease called Plummers that makes the nail beds thicken and makes the endof the fingers clubbed in apperence. You may want to confer with your doc about the fingers.

    Talking to my local doc one day he said that a fairly large number of people had come to him for a thyroid check up after getting their hair or nails done. Seems the comsmatology (?) schools in Florida teach about heath conditions that affect nails and hair. Two had thyroid disease.

    Interesting thought.


    Post count: 93172

    I also have experienced the same problem with my fingernails. Right now they grow a little bit and then break or split. I mentioned this to my doctor and he said that this is a side effect.

    Post count: 93172

    My husband’s ongoing joke is to refer to any problem I complain about as “It must be your thyriod” RG

    Post count: 93172

    My nails have been a mess since I developed Graves, early on I actually had several fall off. I have to keep them painted, because they are split and 2 are not connected to the tissue underneath and are discolored. Dermatology said I washed my hands too much, and were unresponsive to my query, “Then why are my toenails falling off?”
    My problem has continued through being hyper, hypo and euthyroid. My thryoid specialists said that it is definitely thyroid related, but no one knows why at this point. It seems that if it was entirely metabolic, then when you were euthyroid the problem would disappear.
    I theorize that it is because of the autoimmune part of this disease, but since it isn’t a life threatening symptom, just a pain, I can understand why no one has investigated the cause.

    Post count: 93172

    This is called onycholysis and is one of the manifestation of Grave’s. Also there is clubbing (acropachy) and pre-tibial myxedema (raised rashes on legs particularly the shin and also back of legs.

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