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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Do check with your strabismus doc. The prisms althogh making it hard to see
      through do stop the wandering eye to a great extent. My right eye used to do
      a great camelion (? Lizard) imatation. My left eye was rock steady and the right
      eye would stroll around the room checking out the sights. The prism forces the
      eye to focus and stops the wandering. Give it a try. One other tip and I am sure
      the lens companies will not like this is to check your insurance and see if they
      pay for ground in prisms. If they do go to a major eye glass company (Lens Crafters,
      Pearl etc.) and have the prism ground into a lens. It is easier to see and if they
      change the prism within six months it is a prescription change and most major eye
      glass companies will change your lens free if your prescription changes within six
      months. Most insurance companies do not pay for the temporary press on lenses. They
      cost about $25 and my ground lenses after insurance cost $13 and they made free changes
      for six months. Just a money savings tip you may want to look into.


        Post count: 93172

        Thanks a bunch for the info Jake! I really want to be as knowledgeable as possible before I go in to see him next week so I can better evaluate him. I’ve seen enough docs with this stuff to start out not trusting them!

        I have secure horizons and I think they will cover special “appliances”.

        My right eye doesn’t wander quite as much as it sounds like yours did but it is also tilted, everything I look at with it leans in to the left. Do you have any of that too? Wondering if that will complicate correction with prisms.

        When is Nancy gonna be back up online?

        Thanks, Bruce

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