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  • Anonymous
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      When I had RAI (September 6, 1997), I got a sore throat within 24 hours. I did have some headaches, but was under some severe stress at home about other things, and am not sure if the headaches were stress or RAI related. I do know that when I ate shell fish within the first 24 hours, my throat and neck swelled way up but went back down within half an hour. About a week to 10 days after RAI, I had that “rush” or release that everyone talks about, when your thyroid makes that effort to over ride the RAI and emits enormous amounts of hormones! Felt like I was on speed!

      I am doin well now, but you need to know that everyone is different. It took from September 6 to the end of January 1998 for my thyroid to finally shut down to the point that I could start TRH. I am not on a beta blocker now, but am monitored every few weeks by my doctor and can go back on if I feel I need it. I am used to the beta blockers because I had been on them for years as a propholactic for my migraines.

      The only bad side effect I had from my thyroid finally crashing was that I gained back weight that I had lost–37 pounds in 19 days! That literally wore my body out! Wanted to sleep for a week! I have been on TRH since January 22 and am beginning to even out. Feel pretty good most days. Expect some depression when your thyroid finally shuts down–it is caused by a chemical imbalance and can be treated with mild anti-depressants.

      I wish you good luck and God speed. We are all here for you.

      Mitakuye Oyasin

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