Nancy –
Thanks for the info. My endo and OB have had great communications with each other. My TSH was checked even prior to my 6 week post-partum and my Synthroid was lowered since I turned out hyper. Had another TSH yesterday and see the endo next week.
My question is about this hand-swelling/arthritis? My OB says it’s not caused by the pregnancy – that tests show my fluids have evened out by now, and thinks it might be thyroid-related. My other question is whether placenta accreta is caused by/associated with GD.
By the way, the info about iron and thyroid replacement is very important. I was also anemic after giving birth and was on a double-dose of iron daily. I had to be careful of when I took my Synthroid to allow for absorption. So, your info. make me feel that my doctors and myself are doig the right things – I just want more information on the above specifics. Does your doctor have any info.?