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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Would really like to hear from others who have had the decompression surgery. I need to hear something positive.

        Post count: 93172

        Hi again Jennifer,
        You ask about not being able to continue your studies due to double vision after decompession surgery.
        I have some information here that is not supposed to be reproduced without permission so I will not quote but the gist is:

        Many patients who undergo decompression surgery already have some double vision. In most patients orbital decompression surgery does NOT alter the pattern of double vision. In some patients double vision is helped and in some patients double vision can be made worse. The patient undeboing orbital decompression must be informed that conceivably some double vision or increased double vision COULD possible occur following decompression surgery.

        Jennifer, I had severe double vision before my orbital decompression and it stayed the same after. If you don’t have double vision now I wouldn’t worry and I would go into the surgery with the positive attitude that it will not occur. Also remember that if double vision does happen to occur it can be treated with muscle surgery or prisim glasses. As I said, my experience with the results of my orbital decompression surgery was very positive even though it did not correct or help my double vision.

        Let me know when you know the date of your surgery so I can give you some support. If you are like me it is always scary and the mind can conjure up many thoughts the days before surgery.

        Wishing you well, SAS

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