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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Can someone explain to me why so many of us still have “symptoms” associated with GD even after the blood work comes back in the normal range. Last night I had another sleepless night. I am depressed and foggy brained alot of the time. I have read several generic articles on GD. They make it sound like a piece of cake to control and once under control – NO PROBLEM. I can bet none of them has this awful disease. i guess I am a case of “Misery loves company.” Thank you for all the support i see on this BB. It has been a life saver for me for the last few weeks.

    Post count: 93172


    Thanks for the response! The people on this BB are so kind and caring! Actually, my daughter has already started getting into the routine of proper diet, and exercise, in the hopes that when she does have the RAI she might have a little bit of a head start! We prayed for the remission, but she was SO elevated…she was off the charts! I know this is the best thing for her to do..being on ATD’s this long just isn’t healthy. I tell her all about all of kind you all are, and how everyone tries to help each other…tonight, after work, she’s going to come into this web site to read all of your messages. Thanks once again!


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