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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Dear Bobbi…two posts in a covered the issues so well. You are so very consistent in seeing these posts of new folks and going right to important basics at length and at a great gift of time.

    Both these were, not atypically, well done. Lots of folks probably just sigh with relief…”oh good, Bobbi explained all that stuff.” So a big thank you!

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Cheri – just got to the BB now and saw your post. You can have the eye disease and show normal thyroid bloodwork – because that is what I have. My levels show on the high side of normal which my Endo says is fine. I am on Inderal and that is all. The treatment for the eye disease is separate from the thyroid treatment. I have had the eye disease twice. The first time in my left eye about ten years ago. That time I only needed eyelid surgery. This time it is my left eye and I have double vision badly, tearing, light sensitivity. My eye is protruding and my vision in that eye is blurry like yours. I have had my 10 orbital irradiation treatments and am now in the six month waiting period before surgeries. I think you should see an Ophtho that specialises in Graves. There could be swelling pressing on the optic nerve. I don’t want to scare you but it is better to be safe than sorry.

    And no, I don’t know of anything short of wearing dark glasses you can do with your looks. This past weekend we were having breakfast in a restaurant, it was not even bright sunshine, and I had dark glasses on. I felt everyone looking at me and felt they were thinking – boy did she tie one on last night. I don’t know which is worse. I ended up taking off the glasses. I don’t like the way I look but I know it WILL get better and try to remember that it’s what is inside that counts.

    Cheri, you don’t show an e-mail address but I also was unable to get pregnant and feel my thyroid problems over the years may have had something to do with it. E-mail me if you want to talk.

    Good luck and keep smiling. SAS

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