Dear Wout…Your sister should’ve started to turn around by now in the usual course of treatment, but you describe a situation that does seem a bit vague to me…and unsettling. I could sense your frustration and desparation….been there… If you could give me some information about her current medications, the course of her hospitalization…was it thyroid storm secondary to RAI? Diagnosis? 4 weeks! They don’t keep them in there that long unless they’re really sick. My heart goes out to you and your sister and this site is here to offer you support through this tough time. I’d like to know lab values also currently before advising you . Make sure she gets her tests and treatment…She may be hypo and need meds increased…I was an emotional basket-case during that time. She may need the addition of an anti-depressant. It takes lots of patience, support and understanding to get thru this…from others AND from yourself.
Best Wishes,