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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Kelsey,

    Welcome to the board. What you are experiencing right now
    is typical of anyone who has gone through RAI.So you are not alone. Are you on any beta-blockers for your rapid heartbeat? If not, perhaps a call into your doctor is required to tell him how you feel. The tremors may also be from the heart acceleration.

    Right now, the way you are feeling is because your body has been in overdrive and the thyroid gland is slowly being killed off. There is a period after a few days of RAI where
    as the cells are being removed from the body you will feel awful but slowly but surely you will see an improvement. Your doctor’s will be monitoring your blood lab results
    to the paint the picture of how you are doing.

    Keep on posting here and ask away as many questions as you like. We are all here for you.

    NGDF, Asst. online faciitator

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