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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      First I’d like to thank you and Denise for your replys!! It leaves a good feeling knowing your not the only one feeling this way.
      The St. John’s wort I have been taking is .3% hypericin so at least it’s the good stuff. I do plan on getting the tyrosine today and will start with 200mg until I see my Endo next.
      I will also up my St J wort to 900mg daily.
      To Ron: I don’t know what my T-3 reading is from my most recent test but my level was 36.8 in March which was 1 month after I after I started on PTU (50mg 3/day).
      I believe normal range is 25 to 38. In Nov. at my last blood test my thyroid stimlating antibodies was 3.0 which is more than double the normal of 1.3 or less.
      I don’t know the specifics of what these numbers mean and would appreciate any information.

      Thanks again


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