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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    I have been on Tapazole about 8 months now, and I intend to stay on it for about 2 years before I even attempt to stop the medication to see if I go into remission. I’ve done a lot of reading on this subject (I’ve a Ph.D. in molecular biology so it is of interest to me scientifically as well), and studies have been done that show that the probability of going into remission increases as the length of time on the medication increases, i.e., longer than a year, preferably between 18 and 24 months. Of course, being on this medication, I have to have bloodwork monthly to check for severe side effects such as damage to the liver and agranularcytosis, a condition in which the body’s white blood cell count drops very low, making one susceptible to infection by other agents (that’s why your doctor probably told you that if you ever get a sore throat or feel like you’re getting sick for no reason then you should stop the medication and have some blood work done).
    The other side effects of Tapazole could also be considered minor allergic reactions such as rashes, bumps on the skin, etc. (see prescription label for other things to look for). These can come and go as well, but are not necessarily reasons to be taken off the medication
    You are welcome to add that someone may check the references available through the Medline search engine that support what I have written.

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