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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi Barb,
      I tried to e-mail you but the Daemon responder sent the mail back. The information I posted was from the “Manual of Ocular Diagnosis and Therapy”- Fourth edition ( BTW, I picked it up at a college bookstore and is a real life saver understanding eye problems- only cost like $4.00) Anyway, in response to your question- Re: 28mm in the eye area, I can only tell you what the book said. It classified it as “Marked”,
      to mean that seems high. Your eye doctor should be giving you a baseline measurement and continue to measure your eyes. Both an endocrinologist and an opthamologist should be checking this. The 28mm can vary on person to person based on the size of your eyes, space between the eyes and overall size of your head. For instance my measurements are 16 (l&r). Now if my measurement was 28mm. I would say that is extremely high and marked with extreme proptosis where my eyes probably would really be in bad shape. If you haven’t already get a baseline measurement from your doctors and note any increase in size immediately tohim or her. I hope this helps. Please e-maiL me if you hAVE ANY MORE QUESTIONS.

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