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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    It sounds like you’re having some difficulty finding the right dose, which I can relate to. And, I, too, was reluctant to add T3 to my regimen, but my endo convinced me that we ought to give it a try. To that, I say the man was brilliant. Honestly, I don’t know why I was so reluctant to try it–I’ve had no negative effects of any consequence (some vivid dreams, but nothing I can’t handle) and *many* wonderful effects. That nasty brain fog–gone! Searching for the right word–gone! Feeling sluggish and depressed–gone! Waking up in the morning still tired–gone!

    If your doc has been suggesting it, maybe you ought to give it a shot. You might be really happy with the results. And, while taking two meds a day (one twice a day) can be a pain, alternating doses is certain to be a pain, too.

    It can be quite tedious finding the right dose, but it sounds like you’re close, so good luck.


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